
Showing posts from May, 2019

Final Strategy Manual

Strategy Manual: For my final strategy manual draft the only thing I changed was the front cover. I separated the circular image from the words as I didn't like how they overlapped on my other drafts. I also did this so that you would only be able to see the image through the hole in the sleeve that holds my strategy manual.

Final Sleeve and Record Design

Final Sleeve Design: Printers Mock-up: Final Sleeve: Extras: Dimensions for the record sleeve: Test material for the sleeve - thick orange card: Test material for the record - foam board: Record sleeves: The printers that I used sent me two record sleeves, one white one with a hole cut out on each side and an orange one with a sticker on each side of the graphic that I designed for the record. However they were not what I wanted as the circles of the white sleeve did not match up with the circle on my front cover. I also didn't like the orange sleeve as I specifically wanted the cut out circles so that you can see my strategy manual and record through the circles to give off the feel of a real record. Therefore I contacted the printers again and asked for an orange sleeve with cut out circles. Final Record Design: Printers Mock-up: Front: Back: With Strategy Manual:

Formative Feedback Presentation 2

Formative Feedback Presentation: Final Concept Slide: Our final concept remained the same from the start to the finish of this project. our concept is to showcase the connection between family and Northern Soul through visiting my favourite places in Sheffield to celebrate Sheffield street style whilst including Northern Soul references. Final Rationale Slide: We decided on this concept because everyone who was part of the Northern Soul scene felt like it was a family to them. For me Sheffield has meant family as my brother lives in Sheffield, therefore this led to inspiring the concept of this photoshoot to show the connection between Northern Soul and family. This also led to the decision to have my brother and I as the models for the photo and video shoot to represent the family connection. Styling Outcome Slide: I am wearing wide leg corduroy trousers to represent the Oxford style wide leg trousers Northern Soul dancers wore to keep themselves cool whilst dancing.


Video Extras

Photoshoot Album

As we took so many photos during the photoshoot I decided to make an album with the best images in. Photoshoot Album Part 1 of 2: Photoshoot Album Part 2 of 2:

Northern Souls Exhibition

Northern Souls Exhibition at Kommune: Set Up: The final images were hung at alternating heights from clear wire away from the wall and a show reel of everyone's final video was projected on the back wall.

Record Drafts

Record Drafts : After speaking to the printing company to inquire about my record sleeve they came up with the concept of create a record shaped holder for my book to sit in the sleeve so that it would be like you are actually pulling out a record out of the sleeve. Front: There will be a cut out part in the front of the record where my strategy manual will sit. Back: I designed a graphic to go on the back of the record with the title, locations and contents laid out how artists names and songs are displayed on a record. For my first draft I created it with our final image as the background but I think that it looks like there is too much going on it makes the text harder to read. Therefore I made two more drafts with the background just as a colour, one white and one with the orange colour that I have running throughout my strategy manual.

Strategy Manual Sleeve Drafts

Sleeve Draft 1: Sleeve Draft 2: Sleeve Draft 3: As the front cover of my strategy manual gives off the impression of a record I decided I wanted to create a record sleeve for my strategy manual to go in. The idea of my first sleeve draft was to keep it quite simple by having the title on the front the same a the front cover of my book but black instead of orange. The middle of the sleeve would be clear plastic so that the circle image on my front cover would be visible through the sleeve. The back of the sleeve would just be plain orange. The second draft of the sleeve had the same idea for the front as the first draft but had a design on the back. The back would feature our final image, the title of the photoshoot, my name and the list of contents to resemble a track list that would feature on a record sleeve. The third draft of the sleeve features the same design on the back as the second draft, however the front has a more complex design than

Strategy Manual Draft 3

Strategy Manual Draft 3: For my third draft of my strategy manual I added: - Two double page spreads of creative edits of shots from the photoshoot. - An orange stroke round the images on my location page as I felt like the page looked unfinished without it.