Strategy Manual Sleeve Drafts

Sleeve Draft 1:

Sleeve Draft 2:

Sleeve Draft 3:

As the front cover of my strategy manual gives off the impression of a record I decided I wanted to create a record sleeve for my strategy manual to go in.

The idea of my first sleeve draft was to keep it quite simple by having the title on the front the same a the front cover of my book but black instead of orange. The middle of the sleeve would be clear plastic so that the circle image on my front cover would be visible through the sleeve. The back of the sleeve would just be plain orange.

The second draft of the sleeve had the same idea for the front as the first draft but had a design on the back. The back would feature our final image, the title of the photoshoot, my name and the list of contents to resemble a track list that would feature on a record sleeve.

The third draft of the sleeve features the same design on the back as the second draft, however the front has a more complex design than the other drafts. Instead of a clear plastic window I placed an image from the photoshoot in a circle to still give of a record feel. I also included the locations of the photoshoot on the front to resemble artist names etc. that would be on a record sleeve.


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