Final Image Development

Final Image Development:

Our original idea for the final image was to have the photo of my brother and I hugging to be the focus point/the main image used as it strongly shows our theme of family. We then wanted to cut parts from other images from our other locations and overlay these onto the main image to show as many locations in the one photo as possible. However we tried this and we didn't really like how it was looking as it felt like there were too many things to look at and they weren't all working together as one image.

Final Image:

We decided to overly 3 different images on top of each other and change the opacity of 2 of them so that details of each image can be seen. We didn't change the opacity of the photo of my brother and I hugging as we still wanted this to be the main focus of the final image. We chose one of the photos to be us in the Frog & Parrot pub because we liked the Northern Soul sign and records on the wall and this allowed us to incorporate Northern Soul references. We chose the third image to be us walking on Devonshire Green as we also wanted there to be a candid and fun feel to the image.


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